Conveyor Chain
Conveyor chains can vary widely depending on direction of transport, application environment and transported media..
Downtime for your conveyor system can be costly and cause your facility to fall behind on important operations.
Which is why you need a chain manufacturer who has experienced it all.
ZMIE provides high quality materials and manufacturing methods to suit the most arduous of conveyor chain applications.
Performance, durability, safety and consistency typify our conveyor chain solutions.

Roller Chain
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Roller chain is a type of chain drive most commonly used for the sketch of roller chain, mechanical power on many kinds of domestic, industrial and agricultural machinery.It consists of a series of short cylindrical rollers held together by side links. It is driven by a toothed wheel called a sprocket. It is a simple, reliable, and efficient means of power transmission.
Roller chain is used in power transmission applications. Specialty applications for oil-field chain, bindery chain, lift chain, pin oven chain, film feeder chain...
Drop Forged Chain
Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized compressive forces.There are two classed of drop forged chain in ZMIE,forged link chain and forged rivetless chain.
Forged link chain has proven to be one of the most reliable conveying mediums offering a combination of versality,strength and abrasion resistance.These chains are assembled with forged links to design conveyor belts that are used for conveying goods and heavy loads in industrial sector.
Forged rivetless chains are easy and fastassembly and dismantling by hand.Forged rivetless chains are commonly used in car washes ,automotive manufacturing,trolley systems,as well as general and overhead conveying systems.

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ZMIEsprockets are designed and manufactured according to the din regulations, such asDIN 8187 or DIN8188.
ZMIE has a wide range of standard sprockets,convering sprockets and plate wheels in sizes 03 B-1 to 32 B-3.
For eachsize, different teeth numbers are available.

- Conveyor Chain
- Roller Chain
- Drop Forged Chain
- Sprockets
- Components